Terms and Conditions

General Conditions of Use

The current GCU and Privacy Policy follows the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) being published. 

As part of the new European regulation, GDPR, which came into force on May 25, 2018, the Lake Constance Foundation for the “LIFE BooGi-BOP Consortium” pay the greatest attention to the management of your personal data.

1. Introduction

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of visitors to the Nature Incorporate Website www.natureincorporate.eu

This policy applies where we are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of our users; in other words, where we determine the purposes and means of the processing of that personal data. This policy does not apply in relation to non-personal data, including data which has been effectively anonymized.

In addition to our obligations under data protection law with respect to personal data, we also have certain confidentiality obligations relating to the data that you provide to us.

In this policy, "we", "us" and "our" refers to the Lake Constance Foundation for the “LIFE BooGi-BOP Consortium”. For more information about us, see hereafter.

2. Object of the General Conditions of Use

The current General Conditions of Use (GCU) aim at defining the relative conditions for personal data treatment and for each end-user who will connect to the website https://natureincorporate.eu

The current Privacy Policy follows the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) being published. 

3. Acceptance of the General Conditions of Use

Any person who will browse on the website https://natureincorporate.eu must sign the unconditional acceptance of these Terms of General Conditions of Use (GCU) aims at defining the relative conditions for personal data treatment and for each end-user who will connect to the website.

4. Privacy Policy

This website https://natureincorporate.eu is edited by Lake Constance Foundation for the “LIFE BooGi-BOP Consortium”.
Lake Constance Foundation (Bodensee-Stiftung, AZ 14-0563, RP Stuttgart) is a charitable non-profit organization located in Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4 in 78315 Radolfzell, Germany.

Where this policy applies

The privacy policy applies to all data collected and processed on the website, databases and their associated systems which are owned and managed by Lake Constance Foundation for the “LIFE BooGi-BOP Consortium”.

Biodiversity Monitoring System:

Site managers and company managers subscribed to the Biodiversity Monitoring Systems confirm that they have the permission of the company (ies) to include their data into the monitoring system in order to monitor the biodiversity performance of the biodiversity friendly premises and other aspects related to biodiversity.

We collect the following personal data or information of your nature-oriented premises:

  • Account data
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Language
    • Name of your company
  • Personal data
    • Name
    • Address
    • Site latitude and longitude
    • State/country
    • email address
    • Telephone/mobile number
    • System of production
  • Information about
    • Geospatial mapping
    • Total area of premises
    • Biodiversity friendly oriented premises
    • Involvement of staff
    • Involvement of stakeholders
    • Management of Biodiversity aspects

These data will be processed for the purpose of monitoring the biodiversity performance of nature-oriented premises. We do not collect or process sensitive personal data (as defined in GDPR 2018)[1].

What is the lawful basis?

Nature Incorporate Monitoring System lawful basis for processing data you provided is considered a ‘contractual’ in that you have requested or subscribed to the Nature Incorporate System, freely provided data of biodiversity-oriented premises and for which Biodiversity Monitoring is then required to deliver monitoring services, such as evaluation of certain aspects of biodiversity performance and various types of monitoring reports.

Where the data is stored?

We store data you provide in a database management system accessed through a secured frontend and other standard software on secure servers in EU. We also work with contracted specialist partners, through service level agreements, who provide secure platforms and software to store data on our behalf. Our internal system used to process and manage data is hosted on a secured network with secure servers and with password protected access for authorized staff.


How the data is used

Users receive a confirmation after registration including the assignment of a specific role by the national administrator of the system. The Monitoring Database ensures that a user has only access to the data according to the definition of user role:

  • Site admin: entry of data for a specific Site of a company, access to the saved /finalized assessment and the monitoring report on the specific site.
  • Corporate admin: entry of data for multiple sites that belong to the company. Access to the saved /finalized assessments. Access to monitoring report on all individual sites that belong to the company. Access to a monitoring report based on aggregated data sets of all sites of the company (this report is not designed yet)
  • BOP national focal point: A country can have several BOP Focal Points. Access to the assessments of sites and companies of the country. Possibility to filter data sets for the national monitoring report. Access to the national Monitoring Report. The most up-to-date list of BOP Focal Points is published on the www.natureincorporate.eu
  • Super admin: overall administration of the website, has the access to everything that is available to the roles above

The national BOP Focal Points act as national administrators and have access to the data of all sites in the corresponding country. The Nature Incorporate Monitoring System elaborates “National BOP Monitoring Reports” on the basis of aggregated data from all sites in the corresponding country. These reports describe the development of BOPs with anonymized data of the registered BOP-sites. 

Furthermore, the Nature Incorporate System will publish the location of all BOP-sites on a map of the country. The marker in form of a point will include the following information:  Name of the Company, size of BOP area, e-mail of contact person.

Keeping data secure

Sending information over the internet is generally not completely secure, and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is in transit. However, our secure servers ensure you data is protected once we have received it. Our websites, web servers and office servers all have SSL (data encryption) Certificates.

The website implements modern security standards and practices, safely stores your data and doesn't share it with third parties. We have procedures and security features in place to keep your data secure and we ensure management of data is restricted to authorised staff only; each of whom have unique password protected access.
We will take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to secure your personal data and to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal data. Please be sure to use a strong secure password.
Stored data will be protected by operating system and database-level authentication systems.
You acknowledge that the transmission of unencrypted (or inadequately encrypted) data over the internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet.

Sharing your information

The “National BOP Focal Points” get access to all the data entered and results, including personal data, of sites of the corresponding country. The Master Administrator from Lake Constance Foundation has access to all data (including personal data) and results included in the Nature Incorporate Monitoring System.

Lake Constance Foundation for the “LIFE BooGi BOP Consortium”, owner of Biodiversity Monitoring System, is committed not to share your information concerning site data entered and monitoring results with any other organizations or third parties for marketing, market research or commercial purposes. We do not pass on your details to other websites without the preliminary authorization of the user.

Updating or changing your preferences

GDPR 2018 is explicit that you must have an opportunity to change personal preferences in respect of data we may hold (this includes deleting your data). Please let us know if the personal information that we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.

Alternatively, you may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPD), by specifying in the subject of the mail "Change data in the Nature Incorporate Monitoring System” where we will happily service a request to update your preferences. Use the following options:

    • By email to nature.incorporate@bodensee-stiftung.org
    • Write to: Bodensee-Stiftung (Lake Constance Foundation). Nature Incorporate Monitoring. Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4; 78315 Radolfzell, Germany.
    • Some services we provide are specifically linked to your personal data for security purposes and we will inform you if your proposed changes will or have had an adverse impact on other services we provide to you. Should you wish to see a copy of your personal data held by the LIFE BooGi BOP Consortium, please contact us using one of the methods described above.


We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.
We may notify you by email of significant changes to this policy.

© Copyright 2023 LIFE BooGi BOP Consortium. All rights reserved.

Nature Incorporate Monitoring System v.0


[1] Sensitive data is any data that reveals: Racial or ethnic origin, Political opinions, Religious or philosophical beliefs, Trade union membership, Genetic data, Biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, Data concerning health or a natural person’s sex life and/or sexual orientation

 The monitoring system records your ecological upgrading and the progress on your way to a biodiversity-oriented company site. The platform automatically generates a report that collects the most relevant environmental, social and corporate aspects and data. It monitors the status of biodiversity in your company in a complete web environment. The results provide you benchmarks on the status of biodiversity and its progress over time.

From grey to green - join the transformation! Read more how to become a Biodiversity-Oriented Premise (BOP) and visit our infographic.

Biodiversity Premises Logo